Wednesday, October 20, 2010

WEEK 2 Results and Anal-

-ysis. Still funny to me.

The second episode began with our first mini-controversy: Does Abram's ghost story constitute a prank (for 4 points)? Healthy debate ensued, but we decided against awarding me points, as it was more of a mind-game than a prank. And not that cool. Again, this episode featured too much challenge/not enough debauchery, so we're hoping MTV does something to feed our hunger for drunken fights and sloppy same-sex making out.


1) Chet making out with Tori Spelling's doppelganger Mandi and then voting her in to the Gulag. A backstab like that deserves some bonus points, and CO nets three more.

2) Abram inexplicably sitting out of the challenge so he can verbally rape his entire team from the sidelines after giving them terrible advice. Way to be a leader!

3) Johnny Bananas' offensive-to-the-Italian-community mocking of Vinny:

QOE2 - Johnny: "Vinny thinks the mugs are like canolis! The more the merrier!"

4) Abram and Cara Maria having creepy Wolverine sex in the shower. Double points for the commish plus a bonus five for Abram coming out looking like a vampire victim.


BeeTwice breaks out with a blue team victory and Brandon prevailing in the Gulag once again. In an inexplicable turn of events, Deroids team did absolutely nothing. Zilch. Not a point. I watched it three times and no one on his team so much as said a swear word. I don't think he has to worry, though, because Melinda is sure to go 2008 DeAngelo Williams and have a monster second half.

The Gulag was cruel to TSavatar again this week, knocking another one of my players out, JD the dolphin trainer.

I should probably be worried, but the Rivers-Gates combo of crazy Cara Maria and psycho Abram gives me hope.

CO suffered his first loss with horseface Mandi, who was sent packing by her Mormon confidant. To quote Chet, "It was a pleasure doing business."

The scoring was as follows:

Overall, not enough house footage to give us supplemental scoring, so winning the challenges is key.

After two weeks, here are our standings:

So far, it looks like auto-draft was the best strategy, but there's a lot more Challenge ahead. Keep reading for our updates, and I'll try to get them posted more quickly. Happy Cutthroating!

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